Mamadou Dia’s upcoming film sheds light on the taboo topic of depression in Senegal. In a place where there is no word for depression, Dia’s film explores the personal and societal impact of this often overlooked mental health issue. The story follows Demba, a retiree, as he navigates the challenges of living with depression in a culture that does not openly acknowledge it. Through this film, Dia hopes to start a conversation about mental health in Senegal and continue to break the silence surrounding depression. By addressing this important subject, Dia’s work has the potential to raise awareness and support for those struggling with mental health issues in Senegal.
Summery :
– Depression is considered taboo in Senegal and there is no word for it
– Senegalese director Mamadou Dia’s second feature film explores this taboo subject
– The film tells the story of a middle-aged retiree named Demba
– The director returned to his hometown in West Africa to explore this deeply personal subject
Image Credit : The Hollywood Reporter